Friday, June 20, 2008

Network, network, network!

Everyone says that your network is your most powerful job search tool. Most jobs aren't advertised. They're filled through referrals. Etc. etc. I've always known this and even touted this to friends looking for work in the last few years. I have finally realized first hand how darn true this is.

My husband has been telling me for the last month that I should write to the people I know and tell them explicitly what sort of position I'm looking for and ask for their help with sharing contacts or freelance work. I had been holding back from doing this on account of two things:

1. I didn't want anyone to feel awkward because they didn't have any help to offer.
2. I didn't want to feel desperate.

Well, I finally caved in and wrote an email last week. To tackle 1) I suggested they could offer me advice. Who can resist that? Everyone's got advice. And the unsolicited kind is the source of 60% of the world's quarrels. So, come on! :-)
and 2) I figured that it's alright to admit I need some help. I'm not less of a person because of it. Isn't that why say "Network, network, network!"? What's the use of an awesome network, if it ain't doin' nothin', you know what I mean? ;-)

So - I sent away! So far I got some great advice and one rock solid lead :-)

Oh, and when he read the email, my husband said, "It's a nice email, but you sound a little desperate.." :-0 !

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